Integrated Intuitive Wellness for the Whole Person

Release into Wellness began with a vision of providing holistic healthcare and wellness from a foundation in physical and massage therapy with an individualized integrated approach. This integrated approach has a strong emphasis on specialized manual therapy techniques that are essential in the development and treatment of various conditions that influence both physiological and psychological wellbeing. Patients here will receive truly individualized holistic healthcare that emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself and our awesome capability of inspiring and empowering others with our testimony and example of healing.


Myofascial Release

Describe important details like price, value, length of service, and why it’s unique. Or use these sections to showcase different key values of your products or services.

Life Coaching

Describe important details like price, value, length of service, and why it’s unique. Or use these sections to showcase different key values of your products or services.

Wellness Advocacy

Describe important details like price, value, length of service, and why it’s unique. Or use these sections to showcase different key values of your products or services.

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!